Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hair Products

Why did I take a picture of hair products? Because I'm happy I bought them.

There's a young woman at church that I talk to from time to time. She's a single mom, (something I can identify with) with all the difficulties of parenting solo. Normally, she has her long blond tresses pulled up into a messy bun but today she wore her hair down. I was surprised at how long it is and commented to that effect. She went on to tell me that she hardly ever wears it down because her hair is thick, wavy and very prone to frizz. It drives her crazy.

She sat with me in church and I thought about her hair. It has the potential to be gorgeous. I think she just needs some good styling products. When you're a single mom on a budget though, luxuries like expensive shampoos, conditioners and anti-frizz products are the first thing you scratch off your shopping list. I'm no longer a single mom and I'm no longer on such a tight budget and I still struggle to buy good stuff for myself. It becomes habit to look after the kids and necessities and to forget that maybe you need some looking after too.

Wouldn't it be great if others would step in and do some of that looking after? I think so. That's why I went out and bought these nicer hair care products for her. That's what's making me so happy. It's the thought of somehow getting these to her and letting her know that she matters. It's a small thing but maybe if enough people did small things her life would be just a little easier. That's what I wanted when I found myself single parenting and now I'm in a position to give a little of what I once desired. It's a good feeling.

So I have a kooky pic on my pretty pics site. It's pretty to me because of what it's associated with. Happiness. Giving. Helping.

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